Monday, February 2, 2009

Moving to Bali and Big Changes Ahead

Moving to Bali again was more difficult than when Remy was younger. Now she had good friends and was moving on to the middle school years. I had to promise her a dog, something we could never have due to spending the summer in Bali every year. And also the promise of an exotic school in the jungle on a river. The school boasted such adventures as an organic chocolate factory run by the students and a high ropes course. So, due to economic duress after my retail store closed the doors and my wholesale business was rapidly declining, we rented our home, packed and sold all our belongings and left our cozy life.
We were in for some changes. First we were leaving a 3 bedroom, 3 bath house with a loft and moving into a 2 room grass roof - mud wall bungalow. At least it has a great garden and only a few yards from the beach.

Then just the elements of nature that live with you when you live in a grass roof house. The ants, mosquitos, spiders, not to mention the occasional snake or bat that makes it way inside through the openings of the roof. But we're adjusting, though it's taken some time. My daughter has an old Indonesian daybed she sleeps in, in the living room area. I have a teensy cubicle of a room. We don't have much stuff as no where to put anything. But I have to say sometimes less is more. I think it is a valuable lesson for Remy and I to learn to live with less.
I also think when we do return to the States to live in a normal size house, we will really have learned how to appreciate it.
Make sure and go to for recipes and more information about Bali.